Hi Ian.

Thanks for the info.

P/Invoke is unsafe in the C# / common language infrastructure
sense.  Anything unmanaged is unsafe.

I had been planning to use the System.Data.SQLite implementation from
http://sourceforge.net/projects/sqlite-dotnet2 .  After I wrote the
first email to this list, I was able to install it in the global assembly
cache manually using "gacutil /i".  I still don't know whether that is
all that is required.

Is System.Data.SQLite, then, a managed wrapper around the unmanaged part
of SQLite?


On Sun, Feb 04, 2007 at 08:16:50AM -0400, Ian Frosst wrote:
> SQLite isn't managed code: it's unmanaged.  As such, unless you write the
> p/invoke code yourself, I'd recommend finding a good SQLite .Net wrapper,
> especially one of them that use ADO.Net.  You can then follow normal rules
> for GAC registration with the wrapper.
> Again, SQLite's  DLL is unmanaged code, not managed, so it  can't go into
> the GAC.
> I don't think using the p/invoke services in C# causes you to drop into
> unsafe mode, but I'm not 100% sure of that.
> If you find yourself a wrapper that makes use of ADO.Net, you can find
> numerous examples of it's use.
> With the right wrappers, it should work splendidly (I use it from C# through
> a COM wrapper myself.)
> Cheers,
> Ian

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