I apologize if this comes across as a "do my homework for me" type of query but I'm in a bit of a bind and I'm trying to come up to some reasonable amount of knowledge in less than no time. I've been using ad hoc DBM files for a variety of small databases and well, it's crumbling. I'm seeing the disk light on solid for what I consider low volumes of traffic.

The application is an experimental anti-Spam testbed exploring the use of reputation through proof for puzzles and user interaction. The list of things I'm tracking is fairly significant (for me) and I'm trying to pull things together. the entire system has been implemented in Python so that puts additional constraints on the solution.

-- the players --

Reputation database is keyed by IP address and had a single integer (reputation). Its visibility is exposed lan wide by a remote object call.

Rate of arrival database key is recipient address and contains 10 timestamps for the most recently received messages. Again, exposed via remote object call.

received messages database. All messages that come in are saved in one of three categories green, yellow, red (a.k.a. ham, mystery meat, spam) on a per user basis. Associated with each message are a series of additional data elements such as filter scored, any transitions between colors, source IP address, last filter seen. visibility is strictly on a single machine although among a small number of processes.

for me the challenge with the received message database is accessing messages, expiration of messages and transitions between colors.

info exhaust: a list of all things to be graphed/tracked. Probably best as a log file but I thought I would add it just in case it made sense as a database. needs to roll over periodically and expire older data.

additionally, is a friends white list. The key is the e-mail address of the "friend" and the data doesn't really matter. It's the presence of the key that counts. This is also a per user database used between a small number of processes.

Again, I do most sincerely apologize for size of this request. I've spent 30 years avoiding databases and I guess this is payback. :-) Any advice, good online tutorials on SQL, or feedback would be valued.


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