Dne úterý 27 únor 2007 16:31 anis chaaba napsal(a):
> you need the libsqlite.so.0... or the libsqlite3.so crosscompiled
:-( there is no .so file :-(

> if you need the commande line copy sqlite3 or sqlite to your target
> 2007/2/27, Jakub Ladman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Hi everybody
> > Which files do i need at target (small embedded linux system)?
> >
> > after make i have these files
> >
> > alter.o        hash.o         opcodes.o      pragma.o       utf.o
> > analyze.o      insert.o       os.o           prepare.o      util.o
> > attach.o       keywordhash.h  os_os2.o       printf.o       vacuum.o
> > auth.o         legacy.o       os_unix.o      random.o       vdbe.o
> > btree.o        lemon          os_win.o       select.o       vdbeapi.o
> > build.o        lempar.c       pager.o        sqlite3        vdbeaux.o
> > callback.o     libsqlite3.a   parse.c        sqlite3.h      vdbefifo.o
> > complete.o     loadext.o      parse.h        table.o        vdbemem.o
> > date.o         main.o         parse.h.temp   tclsqlite.o    vtab.o
> > delete.o       mkkeywordhash  parse.o        tokenize.o     where.o
> > expr.o         opcodes.c      parse.out      trigger.o
> > func.o         opcodes.h      parse.y        update.o
> > /mnt/nfs/home/jakub/shsqlite $
> >
> >
> > Which files are necessary for running, and which for linking to my own C
> > programs?
> >
> > And what should i do with this?
> >
> > SQLite version 3.3.13
> > Enter ".help" for instructions
> > sqlite> create table tbl1(one varchar(10), two smallint);
> > SQL error: database is locked
> > sqlite>
> >
> >
> > Thank you
> > Jakub Ladman
> >
> >
> >
> >
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