Hi Kirrthana,

Im developing an application using sqlite3 in MAC OS,I just wanted to know wheather sqlite3 can be used in MAC OS.

Yes. It's already built in. Mac OS X 10.4 includes SQLite version 3.1.3. And you can easily install the latest version 3.3.13 by following the instructions at:

Or specifically:

1. Ensure that you have the developer tools installed. They come with the Mac OS, on a separate DVD.

2. Download the latest SQLite, currently: http://www.sqlite.org/ sqlite-3.3.13.tar.gz

3. Double click on the .tar file. It will create a sqlite-3.3.13 folder.

4. Launch "Terminal" (double click it in /Applications/Utilities).

5. Type "cd " (without the quotes) and drag your expanded folder (from step 3) into the Terminal window. Hit return.

6. type: ./configure  (And hit return)

7. type: make  (And hit return)

8. type: sudo make install (And hit return. Enter your password when asked.)

Then you can access the new C libraries and the new sqlite3 command line tool. To access the new (rather than the old) sqlite3 command, specify the full path: /usr/local/bin/sqlite3

There are of course several GUI programs for Mac OS which usually include their own compiled SQLite code. You just double click them like any other Mac app. For example:


There is also a bunch of other programs that use SQLite for their own data storage, such as Apple's own Mail program (for mail indexing), and the "Core Data" data storage mechanism for developers to include in their own software.

If so can the same sqlite3 library and the executable used in windows can be used in MAC OS or a
different version has to be used.

Same source, and same result of running the code. But since it's a different platform, it has different compiled binaries.


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