Hi all:

I need a simple search, say:

SELECT someField IN someTable WHERE name LIKE '%xyzetc%';

After some search in this list, I'm a bit more confused that before.  For
example after reading literally:

>The escape mechanism for LIKE has never been implemented in
>SQLite.  The work-around is to use GLOB if your pattern
>contains '_' or '%' (unfortunately, GLOB is not std SQL).

>In case you're curious, the std SQL syntax is

>      like 'ba_foo\_png' escape '\'

>Without the (unimplemented) escape clause, the '\' is just
>an ordinary character".

Can someone unveil me the correct syntax for that query?

Can I use some like:

SELECT someField IN someTable WHERE name LIKE '<?>xyzetc<?>' ESCAPE <?>;

Thanks in advance.

ZATOR Systems

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