> Joe Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > What sort of SQL statements will benefit most from this change?
> SQL statements that run on embedded platforms that lack a
> OS filesystem cache.

I'm back at my office now and able to run some speed trials.
It appears that a side-effect check-ins [3671] and [3672] 
is to more than double the speed of a "DELETE FROM table" 
or "DROP table" and greatly enhance the speed of other DELETE 
operations. The speed of an INSERT that follows a large DELETE is
also increased by about 10%.  YMMV.  I'm interested in any
speed improvement results from other users.

Speaking of speed, Mac users may be interested in this blog


If you use the latest versions of SQLite from CVS (that include
checking [3643]) then the speed enhancement might be even greater.

D. Richard Hipp  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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