"Rich Rattanni" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am wondering why my program crashes with a segmentation fault.  This
> has only occured once, but it seems to be something with sqlite.  Is
> this a known issue or is there anything I can do to further track this
> down?

There are no known malloc() issues in SQLite and malloc() is
*very heavily* tested in SQLite.  I suspect that your problem
is that some other part of your program is corrupting the malloc()
heap (perhaps you are writing into space that has been freed)
and it just happens that this problem is discovered by SQLite.
In other words, the problem is not SQLite's fault, SQLite just
happened to be the first library to stumble across it.

Try running valgrind on your program to see where it is going

D. Richard Hipp  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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