"Dennis Cote" wrote,

jose isaias cabrera wrote:

sqlite> select * from LSOpenJobs where id = '166';
166|166|1172158922388||us|MER|3.0 Cards|Technical| Project|2007-02-21|2007-02-21|2007-02-22|318||en2es,en2br||karina|||klmLD|D:\Projects\166||||||c

the last column is the status, which has the value c and the previus column is notes,

which is empty or null.
This is the heart of your problem, empty is *not* the same a null.

Null is an unknown or unspecified value, an empty string is a very well defined string with a length of zero.

The command line shell displays null values as empty strings by default. You can have the shell display an arbitrary string for null values to make then visible. Try this before your command

   .nullvalue '<null>'

now you can see the difference between null values and empty strings

   select 'test', '', null;

After you have convinced yourself that your database contains empty strings, you can use the same techniques discussed previously to update the empty strings with your desired values.

yep.  You are correct.

SQLite version 3.3.8
Enter ".help" for instructions
sqlite> .nullvalue '<null>'
sqlite> select * from LSOpenJobs where id = '166';
166|166|1172158922388||us319318|Merrimack|3.0 Quick Cards|Technical| Project|2007-02-21|2007-02-21|2007-02-22|us319318||en2es,en2br||[EMAIL PROTECTED]|||A36XPP02|D:\Projects\Analisis\Merrimack\07-02-21-Merrimack-3.0-Quick-Cards_166|<null>|<null>|<null>|<null>||c

Now I know what is going on...

thanks so much!


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