> Or is it just a case of needing to view
> the final data in a user friendly environment?

That is it. They can format, sort, print etc. in Excel. They won't even
have to know about SQLite.
The SQLite database file can safely be deleted and
it will still work the same.


> Hi RBS,
>> I use SQLite as a data manipulator, not as a database. I get data
>> from a
>> server database, dump to SQLite, manipulate the data and finally
>> dump to
>> Excel. As this is reporting software speed is important, so I will
>> go with
>> the fastest method.
> OK, I have to ask. What do you then do with the data in Excel? I
> spend so much of my time with clients converting them from using
> spreadsheets (80% of the time when it's more appropriate) to using a
> database, that my ears prick up whenever I hear someone doing the
> reverse.
> Can you create whatever facilities you're using in Excel, directly in
> the SQLite database (eg via CREATE VIEW)? Or is it just a case of
> needing to view the final data in a user friendly environment?
> Tom
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