Ion Silvestru <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > drh wrote:
> >   INSERT INTO two SELECT * FROM one ORDER BY unique_column;
> >The ORDER BY is important here.
> This is an excerpt from SQLite documentation:
> ____________________
> The second form of the INSERT statement takes it data from a SELECT statement.
> The number of columns in the result of the SELECT must exactly match the 
> number
> of columns in the table if no column list is specified,
> or it must match the number of columns name in the column list.
> A new entry is made in the table for every row of the SELECT result.
> The SELECT may be simple or compound.
> If the SELECT statement has an ORDER BY clause, the ORDER BY is ignored.
> ____________________                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Question: ORDER BY is ignored or not ?

You are looking at obsolete documentation.  See

D. Richard Hipp  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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