What version if DB2 is this? Is your DB2 engine storing data in EBCDIC format? What platform is the SQLite database on, and you didn't mention the SQLite version.

If your DB2 data is EBCDIC did you convert it to ASCII before putting it in SQLite? I want to point out the difference between an EBCDIC space character ('X'40') and an ASCII space (X'20'). What translation table you used if you did perform an EBCDIC to ASCII translation -- IBM offers quite a few of them and sometimes you can get stuck with various characters translating to X'C0' depending on the table used.

Of course, what I'm saying applies to Z/OS; it may be that AS/400 uses ASCII by default. I'll try to check on that in the morning.


Bob Cochran

Joel Cochran wrote:
Howdy all,

I am new to SQLite, so I hope this isn't too much of a newbie question, but I searched the Internet, the archives, and the help docs and could not find
any mention of this.

I am populating an SQLite database from a legacy IBM AS/400 database. The
400 stores all character fields with padded blanks.  As a result, when I
export the data the blanks remain.  Normally this is not a problem, but I
noticed in SQLite when I do a select statement the MYFIELD = 'A' will not
work if the data is in fact 'A ' (a trailing blank).

SQLite apparently does not ignore trailing blanks on character matching like
other DBs do.  Has anyone else experienced this, and if so what have you
done about it?  I know I could rewrite the export routine to trim the
trailing blanks as they come out of the parent DB, but I was hoping there
may be another solution.  If nothing else, maybe I can find one of you to
commiserate with!


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