Joe Wilson <developir-/[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Perhaps some JDBC drivers implement the behavior you expect, but
> technically, you should call addBatch() to add each individual SQL
> statement to the batch prior to calling executeBatch().

Yes, I tried that too before posting. Unfortunately, addBatch() and
executeBatch() are implemented to simply run each "batch" separately
in sequence:

,----[ Stmt.executeBatch() ]
|     public int[] executeBatch() throws SQLException {
|         // TODO: optimise
|         checkOpen(); close();
|         if (batch == null) return new int[] {};
|         int[] changes = new int[batch.size()];
|         synchronized (db) { try {
|             for (int i=0; i < changes.length; i++) {
|                 try {
|                     sql = (String)batch.get(i);
|                     db.prepare(this);
|                     changes[i] = db.executeUpdate(this, null);
|                 } catch (SQLException e) {
|                     throw new BatchUpdateException(
|                         "batch entry " + i + ": " + e.getMessage(), changes);
|                 } finally {
|                     db.finalize(this);
|                 }
|             }
|         } finally {
|             batch.clear();
|         } }
|         return changes;
|     }

That doesn't solve my problem of having read the ten DDL commands from
a file, and providing them as a single "batch". There's still just one
call to prepare(), which misses out on all but the first statement in
the string.

> Perhaps if you post to the sqlitejdbc mailing list, the author may
> consider making such an extension.

I did that last night¹ before finally going home, and, thinking about
it on the way, I think it's too much to ask of the implementor. The
workarounds are probably easier to justify than adding the extra state
and loops required to consume the entire SQL string -- at least given
the resources I've seen dedicated to this library so far.

> But you can probably get away with just splitting your DDL string on
> ";" and feeding them to addBatch in a loop and then calling
> executeBatch.

Yes, I agree. I wasn't sure whether I can always trust that finding a
semicolon is the end of statement; one could appear in a string, but
that's a stretch for my DDL.

I also am considering splitting on blank lines, or on lines beginning
with the comment "-- go" or something more deliberate. Or, going even
further, putting each statement in a separate XML element, and letting
an XML parser do the splitting.

I'll be working on this problem this morning, so any more advice would
be most welcome.


Steven E. Harris

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