"RB Smissaert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for that.
> So if I can then I should create the table with INTEGER PRIMARY KEY.
> Is it right that this won't affect the speed of any subsequent inserts or
> deletes?

That depends on the data.

If you insert records in order of ascending integer primary
key, then the inserts will be very fast.  If you insert records
where the integer primary key is randomized, inserts will be
reasonably fast until the size of your table exceeds the size
of your disk cache.  Then each insert will need to do multiple
reads and writes to disk as it tries to figure out where in
your massive table is the right place to put the new record,
and then make space for that new record.  All this disk I/O
will slow things down dramatically.

Every table has an integer primary key whether you declare one
or not.  If you do not specify an integer primary key then one
is created for you automatically named "ROWID" or "OID".  If 
you do not specify a value for the integer primary key when
inserting, a value is selected automatically.  The value
selected is one more than the largest existing integer primary
key in that table.  That means that if you do not specify
integer primary keys, the keys choosen are in ascending order
and inserts are very fast.

D. Richard Hipp  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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