I am using sqlite3_bind_text16() and it as I said it works fine with the
regular extension=:extension. But maybe it doesn't understand how to parse
the 'mp3','avi' ?

a wchar_t is defined as 'unsigned short' so it's a 16-bit, is it not?

On 3/28/07, Dan Kennedy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am trying to use this query:
> SELECT * FROM Files WHERE extension IN ('mp3','avi','ogg');
> I am not getting any row back though.
> SELECT * FROM Files WHERE extension='mp3' works though.

If this is literally the case, it's probably a bug.

> I am using sqlite3_step to execute a prepared statement looking like
> SELECT * FROM Files WHERE extension IN (:extension)
> where I bind a wchar_t* to extension.

Using which function - sqlite3_bind_text() or sqlite3_bind_text16()? If
your compiler happens to define wchar_t as a 16-bit type you can get
away with sqlite3_bind_text16(). However many compilers define wchar_t
as 32-bit so such code is not portable.


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