pompomJuice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I could get a maximum of 300-400 lookups per second using
> a conventional "select * from table where column = key" type query.

I would guess, then, that either (1) table.column is not indexed
or else (2) you are running on very, very slow hardware (a 386?),
or (3) you are doing something terribly wrong in the query.  I
just ran a quick test and I'm getting around 25000 queries/second
using the Tcl interface (i.e. using a scripting language rather
than calling the APIs directly) using a query of the form:

   SELECT * FROM table WHERE rowid=?

> Is there some other aspect such as for example "incKey" that causes btree
> lookups to function differently? I desperately need help here.

There were several subtle but important differences in the Btree
layer interface going from 3.3.13->3.3.15.  But you need to understand
that the Btree is a non-exported internal-use-only interface.  It is
unsupported and is likely to change in strange and incomprehensible
ways from one point release to the next, as indeed it has in each
of the previous two releases.  I strongly discourage you from 
pursuing this path.

D. Richard Hipp  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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