At 17:35 11/04/2007, you wrote:
>Lloyd wrote:
>>Sorry, I am not talking about the limitations of the system in our side,
>>but end user who uses our software. I want the tool to be run at its
>>best on a low end machine also. 
>>I don't want the capabilities of a data base here. Just want to store
>>data, search for presence, remove it when there is no more use of it.
>>Surely I will check out BerkeleyDB. The data set must be in ram, because
>>the total size of it is very small. (Few maga bytes) I just want to
>>spped up the search, which is done millions of times.
>> LLoyd
>You might discover that you can craft a very effective memory resident storage 
>system using a compression system like Huffman Encoding and an index method 
>appropriate to the key you are using for retrieval.  That could work very well 
>in an embedded system, have a small footprint in data and code and be very 

There is a book about that (2 books) called Managing Gigabytes (1 and 2 
editions) which shows how to use compression techniques with data search. The 
full source code is open source (or i remember it was). 

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