
I've found SQLite faster than MySQL and Postgres for small/medium
databases. Now I have big ones and I really do not want to change, but
I have some performance issues.

Consider the following database schema:
CREATE TABLE tetragrams (word1 INTEGER, word2 INTEGER, word3 INTEGER,
word4 INTEGER, occs INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (word1, word2, word3,
CREATE INDEX tet_b ON tetragrams (word2);
CREATE INDEX tet_c ON tetragrams (word3);
CREATE INDEX tet_d ON tetragrams (word4);

And the following database size:
sqlite> SELECT COUNT(*) from tetragrams;

Now, a query like
SELECT FROM tetragrams WHERE word1 = 6;
returns 166579 rows;

This query takes some time, but starts as soon as I type the query.
The problem is that I want to use:

SELECT * FROM tetragrams WHERE word1=6 ORDER BY occs DESC LIMIT 10;

and it takes.. five minutes and did not give the result yet...

Is there anything I can do to make it speed up CONSIDERABLY? I mean,
this is to be used in a CGI and each CGI query will make 11 queries
like the one above to the database.

Thank you in advance,
Alberto Simões

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