On 4/19/07, Rich Rattanni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  I have a main table (Parameters) which contains system parameters
to which I clone the table to a temporary database...

CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE WorkingParameters AS SELECT * from Parameters;

I modify the parameters in the temporary table, and occasionally I may
want to save them.  Reading the sqlite documentation, I thought I
would be valid to execute

UPDATE Parameters SET value = temp.WorkingParameters.value;  But I get
an error stating that temp.workingparameters.value does not exist.

I thought I was correctly following the sql syntax ... this was my
reasoning, but I think I am misunderstanding something.

sql-statement ::= UPDATE table-name SET assignment
assignment ::= column-name = expr
expr ::= database-name . table-name . column-name

Could someone please help me with my query?

Rich Rattanni

I just came across REPLACE INTO.  This may work for my situation, but
I would use an UPDATE statement, so I can use a WHERE clause.
Basically the main parameter table has several parameter types, which
I wanted to extract into several tables (each table consisting of one
type).  Then when I put them back into the master table I would use a
WHERE to accomplish this.

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