On 4/19/07, Joe Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

--- DragonK <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm having the following problem:  a sqlite database file is on an NTFS
> filesystem, in a directory with no permissions to create new files, but
> to modify the original database. By using filemon i've noticed some
> denied errors when sqlite attempted to create the journal files.
> I've created a sepparate test case and (by using filemon again) i've
> that indeed, sqlite uses the journal file, even outside transactions (an
> insert sql was executed).
> My question is how can I stop this behaviour (creating/deleting the
> so that sqlite will work properly under the scenario described above
> it can't create the journal)?

No problem - just create your own virtual file system in a file and
change sqlite's I/O functions:

** An instance of the following structure contains pointers to all
** methods on an OsFile object.
struct IoMethod {
  int (*xClose)(OsFile**);
  int (*xOpenDirectory)(OsFile*, const char*);
  int (*xRead)(OsFile*, void*, int amt);
  int (*xWrite)(OsFile*, const void*, int amt);
  int (*xSeek)(OsFile*, i64 offset);
  int (*xTruncate)(OsFile*, i64 size);
  int (*xSync)(OsFile*, int);
  void (*xSetFullSync)(OsFile *id, int setting);
  int (*xFileHandle)(OsFile *id);
  int (*xFileSize)(OsFile*, i64 *pSize);
  int (*xLock)(OsFile*, int);
  int (*xUnlock)(OsFile*, int);
  int (*xLockState)(OsFile *id);
  int (*xCheckReservedLock)(OsFile *id);
  int (*xSectorSize)(OsFile *id);

I don't know of any other way given your constraints.

See also: Single-file virtual file systems

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Thanks everybody for answering. I'm going to move the database in a
directory with the proper permissions...

...it's only a matter of time...

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