Thanks Igor, this gives me what I need

In fact, 
   pragma table_info( sqlite_master );
works to give information about what is in the master table view

And for anyone else using python and pysqlite, here is now to get a list of 

# Python SQLite application 
from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite

# Connect to database
path= 'C:\\'
dbname= 'dbtest.db' 
db_location= path + '\\' + dbname
db = sqlite.connect(db_location)

# Find table names
qx='select tbl_name from sqlite_master'
print qr1

----- Original Message ----
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2007 1:53:24 PM
Subject: Show and describe

Does SQLite have anything like SHOW and DESCRIBE (in MySQL)  I check the 
synatax documentation and it seems not.

Otherwise how can I determine date tables in a database group and columns in 
table and their type

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