David A O L wrote:

Im using 3.3.13, I will like if you can show a little snipped of how to go
with something like the next..

(The following at sqlite prompt)
create table some(xthing varchar, count integer);
insert into some values("hi", 0);
insert into some values("hi there", 0);
update some set count = count +1 where xthing="hi";
update some set count = count +1 where xthing="hi";
update some set count = count +1 where xthing="hi";
update some set count = count +1 where xthing="hi there";

The following in C
select * from some;
// and in the callback after print the value of count and extract a random


I'm not sure what you are asking for, but if you are looking for sample
C code that shows how to use the SQLite API in C I would suggest you
look at the source of the sqlite shell program at
http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/fileview?f=sqlite/src/shell.c&v=1.160 or
try a google search like this

The following sample shows the basic use of sqlite C API functions
neglecting the error handling for improved clarity.

#include "sqlite3.h"

#define dim(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof(x[0]))

void sample()
   sqlite3* db = NULL;

   // open a database file
   sqlite3_open("sample.db3", &db);

   // create and populate a table
   char* sqlx[] = {
               "create table some(xthing varchar, count integer)",
               "insert into some values('hi', 0)",
               "insert into some values('hi there', 0)",
               "update some set count = count +1 where xthing='hi'",
               "update some set count = count +1 where xthing='hi'",
               "update some set count = count +1 where xthing='hi'",
               "update some set count = count +1 where xthing='hi there'"

   // execute the non-query statements one at a time
   for (int i = 0; i < dim(sqlx); ++i)
       sqlite3_exec(db, sqlx[i], NULL, NULL, NULL);

   // read back the table contents
   char* sql = "select * from some";

   // prepare the query
   sqlite3_stmt* s = NULL;
   sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, sql, -1, &s, NULL);

   // execute the query in a loop to print the results
   bool do_headings = true;
   do {
       int rc = sqlite3_step(s);
       if (rc == SQLITE_ROW) {
           // get the number of columns returned
           int cols = sqlite3_column_count(s);

           // print headings if needed
           if (do_headings) {
               // loop over the columns
               for (int c = 0; c < cols; ++c) {
                   // print separator
                   if (c != 0)

                   // print column heading
                   printf("%s", sqlite3_column_name(s, c));
               do_headings = false;

           // loop over the columns
           for (int c = 0; c < cols; ++c) {
               // print separator
               if (c != 0)

               // get the column data type
               int ct = sqlite3_column_type(s, c);

               // reteive and print the column data
               switch (ct) {
                   case SQLITE_INTEGER:
                       printf("%d", sqlite3_column_int(s, c));
                   case SQLITE_FLOAT:
                       printf("%f", sqlite3_column_double(s, c));
                   case SQLITE_BLOB:
                       // fall through to print blob as text
                   case SQLITE_TEXT:
                       printf("%s", sqlite3_column_text(s, c));
                   case SQLITE_NULL:
   } while (rc != SQLITE_DONE);

   // destroy the prepared statement

   // close the database

Dennis Cote

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