"Stephen Oberholtzer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What's the best way to submit patches for SQLite?  I looked around on
> the website and didn't find anything relevant; Google wasn't much help
> because all I got were pages for *other* projects that used SQLite to
> maintain their patch databases.

For bug fixes you can attach patches to a ticket.
Write a ticket at


For an enhancement, you first have to convince me that
the patch (1) does not break anything and (2) is useful
enough to justify whatever effort will be required on
my part to maintain the change for decades into the future.
This is no small hurdle. Assuming you get across the 
acceptance gate, you will also need to execute a public 
domain dedication of your changes. See


If your patch is really an add-ons for SQLite, then you and
skip the complications above and self-publish in the 
contributors section.  See


Write to me privately for a userid and password that will
enable you to upload.

(drh makes a mental note to improve the formatting of
the contributed code section.  The original table format
seems a bit cluttered...)

D. Richard Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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