I'm getting a strange failure of the test suite on Windows (XP all updates). The exclusive2 test is getting a permission denied error when deleting a file. I can manually delete the file and the tclsh can execute the same file delete command if I enter it manually.

   $ ./testfixture.exe ../sqlite/test/exclusive2.test
   exclusive2-1.0... Ok
   exclusive2-1.1... Ok
   exclusive2-1.2... Ok
   exclusive2-1.3... Ok
   exclusive2-1.4... Ok
   exclusive2-1.5... Ok
   exclusive2-1.6... Ok
   exclusive2-1.7... Ok
   exclusive2-1.9... Ok
   exclusive2-1.10... Ok
   exclusive2-1.11... Ok
   exclusive2-2.1... Ok
   exclusive2-2.2... Ok
   exclusive2-2.3... Ok
   exclusive2-2.4... Ok
   exclusive2-2.5... Ok
   exclusive2-2.6... Ok
   exclusive2-2.7... Ok
   exclusive2-2.8... Ok
c:\SQLite\SQLiteV3\build\testfixture.exe: error deleting "test.db": permission denied
       while executing
   "file delete -force test.db"
       (file "../sqlite/test/exclusive2.test" line 192)

   $ ls test.db

   $ tclsh
   file delete -force test.db

   $ ls test.db
   ls: test.db: No such file or directory

I'm building SQLite and running these tests using MinGW/MSYS. I haven't had any problems before, but I haven't built sqlite from source since around version 3.3.12.

Do any of you TCL experts have any idea what could be wrong?

Dennis Cote

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