On 5/4/07, Ken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
100% concur with Dennis.

 Thanks again for a great product!

I couldn't said it better, maybe even in my native language ;-)

Best regards,
~Nuno Lucas

Dennis Cote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Can somebody please explain to my how 2 files is less manageable
> than 60?


I think part of the problem is simple inertia. Some people have
developed a methodology for using the sqlite source files based on the
previous arrangement. They may have patches they apply to the files,
existing makefiles, etc. The new amalgamation file breaks those methods.
It is not backwards compatible. They had a working method and your
change has broken that method. It's not that they can't make it work
with the amalgamation, but rather that they don't think they should have
to change their processes unnecessarily.

It is also often easier to work with the individual source files rather
than the amalgamation. Loading, searching and scrolling in a editor are
often easier with smaller files, and it's often handy to have several
files open to different locations when studying the source, which can be
difficult with a single file in many editors.

I really think most people who are asking for the individual files would
be better served using CVS to get a particular version (if they don't
want to track the latest developments in the head versions).
Unfortunately, you make this a little harder than it needs to be by not
tagging your releases in CVS. The lack of tags requires users to find
the release date and time from the website's timeline page before
retrieving the files based on that date and time. It would be easier to
just select a particular CVS release tag.

Using CVS has one drawback for many Windows users though, it doesn't
provide the preprocessed source files. They still need to install a unix
like toolset such as MinGW/MSYS or Cygwin to use the makefiles which
generate those files. This adds additional complexity.

I have used all the available methods at various times for various
reasons. Now, I most often use the files you have prepared and
distribute through your website. It is simply easier for me to let you
do the work. I think many others would like you to simply add the
amalgamation to the set of files you distribute, rather than replacing
the preprocessed source. It will be easier for them if you continue to
do the work that you used to do.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you again for all the
work you have put into sqlite. You have created a tremendous resource
which makes many peoples lives at least a little easier and hence
better. I hope the rewards have been worth the effort.

Dennis Cote

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