"Jonathan Kahn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I have tried different things such as reindex and vacuum on my primary key
> auto inc field but I cannot reset it so that things start from one.  I
> deleted everything from my table but it still keeps the amount that was
> there beforehand on the auto inc so anything new is appened to that number
> so I used to have 7 records when I insert new it starts at 8, how can I
> start it back from 1, its beginning to drive me a little crazy.

This is a deliberate feature of SQLite, not a bug.  When you add
the AUTOINCREMENT keyword to an INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, then when
SQLite selects new primary keys, it is careful to select keys
that have never been used before, even by rows that where subsequently

If you do not mind reusing the primary key from a row that has
been deleted (or if this is what you want to do) then just omit
the AUTOINCREMENT keyword.  Without AUTOINCREMENT, if you try to
insert a NULL into an INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, SQLite will automatically
convert the NULL into an integer value that does not currently exist
in the table.  It might reuse a value from that was found on a row
that was previously deleted, however.

If you still want to use the AUTOINCREMENT keyword but you want
to erase the history from the database so that rowids from deleted
rows can be reused, then you will need to make an UPDATE or a DELETE
against the "sqlite_sequence" table.  The details of the UPDATE or
DELETE are left as an exercise for the reader.

D. Richard Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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