On Mon, 2007-05-07 at 12:28 -0700, km4hr wrote:
> Notes on how I got sqlite running on hpux 11.0
> To install sqlite on hpux:
> * download sqlite-3.3.17.tar.gz from web site.
>   (I unzipped the file on linux using gunzip I think. Then copied
>    the tar file to /opt on the unix box. I guess gunzip works on hpux also.)
> * cd to /opt and untar the file. (tar xf sqlite-3.3.17.tar)
> * cd to sqlite... dir created by tar.
> * create a "bld" directory as recommended in sqlite README.
> * cd to bld.
> * Use GNU bash version of "make" (came with hpux 11.0 on my computer
> /opt/OpenSource/...) to
>   perform the build instructions given in sqlite README. The hpux version of
>   make doesn't work. It chokes on the "+=" operators in the make file.
> * after "making" sqlite, look in the "bld/.libs" directory for the sqlite
>   library files. "sqlite3" command line program is there as well.
> * no "sqlite.h" file is provided by the install (?) but "sqlite.h.in"
> provided works.

Mostly works.

It's easiest if you run the "make install" target too. i.e.:

$ mkdir /home/km4hr/sqlite_install/
$ ../sqlite/configure --prefix=/home/km4hr/sqlite_install/
<blah blah>
$ make install

Then you wind up with sub-directories "bin", "include" and 
"lib" under /home/kv4hr/sqlite_install/. Everything is more
or less where you expect it to be.

You'll still need to use the gnu make of course.


> * here's how I compiled the test program given on the sqlite web site:
>   cd to my home directory.
>   Copied contents of C test program on web site into file "myprog.c".
>   Changed "#include <sqlite.h>" to "#include "<dirname>/sqlite.h.in".
>   Then: "cc -o myprog myprog.c /opt/sqlite/bld/.libs/libsqlite3.a"
> * Used /opt/sqlite/bld/.libs/sqlite3 to create database "test.db" (create
> table...)
>   and to add some records in a table (insert into table ...).
> * run myprog test program to dump the table.
>   Ex: myprog test.db "select * from tablename"
>   Works! Success!
> * Now I need to figure out where to install the sqlite library and header
> file permanently on hpux.

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