Dennis Cote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Why full table scan? :/
> > SQLite can takes set (1) of rowid by ex(x) index for
> > "X=5". Then takes another set (2) of rowid by ex(y) for "Y=7".
> > Then SQLite need only to union this two set (1) and (2).
> > Final SQLite should returns rows where rowid in (set1 union set2).
> >
> >
> >   
> I think you mean intersection where you have used union. SQLite won't 
> optimize the query this way, but you can do it manually.
> Instead of
>     select * from ex4 where x = 5 or y = 7;
> You can do this
>     select * from ex4 where rowid in
>         (
>         select rowid from ex4 where x = 5
>         intersect
>         select rowid from ex4 where y = 7
>         );
> The intersect operation allows each of the sub-selects to be executed 
> using an independent index, and the outer select uses the implicit index 
> on the rowid.

INTERSECT would give you x=5 AND y=7.  For x=5 OR y=7 you want UNION.
D. Richard Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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