
I noticed in recent versions of SQLite the addition of some functions such as Trim(). So I am hopeful that at least one more function, Regexp(), can be included since it is such a central and common need. Time and time again I come up with needing a Regexp function, and I notice that the SQLite expression syntax even caters for it, but doesn't actually implement it.

I need full PCRE (ie Perl Compatible Regular Expression) support, for things such as grouping, replacing, "g i s" options.

For instance, Trim() could have been accomplished via Regexp, such as:

Trim = '   text between spaces   ' Regexp '/[:space:]*(.*?)[:space:]*/s'

I'm not sure how the SQLite syntax should cater for extracting a particular group from the match (ie the text match between the brackets above).

I know there are hooks for adding a Regexp function/operator ourselves, but I need to know it's available on other machines with standard install. It's the same reasoning, I guess, as why Trim() was added, but Regexp seems to serve a wider need.

Please and thankyou,

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