On 5/12/07, Yves Goergen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 12.05.2007 17:33 CE(S)T, Igor Tandetnik wrote:
> Yves Goergen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> I'm trying to get my table sorted the way how for example Windows
>> Explorer or other file managers are sorting names. Most of all,
>> accented characters should not be listed at the end of the list but
>> near their non-accented character instead. I can only see the
>> built-in collations BINARY and NOCASE. Is there something else?
> You need to install a custom collation. See sqlite3_create_collation[16]

I guess that doesn't work when I'm accessing the database through the
System.Data.SQLite interface in .NET?

I did the same question about ordering, in my case, with Perl DBD::SQLite.
As the answer was the same (and I understand why), i did the.. erm...
stupid approach:
. a column with the word/string or whatever
. a column with the string where accented characters  are not (accented).
Use the first for presentation and query, the second for ordering.

Hope this can help

Alberto Simões

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