Brian Albert wrote:
I'm not sure why this worked - but it did.


If you compare your query to the one Samuel suggested you will see a subtle difference. Your query uses a join in the from clause and his does not.

   update table1
   set column3 = (
       select i.colum3
       from table2 i, table1 t
       where t.column1 = i.column1
         and t.column2 = i.column2)
UPDATE table1
   SET column3 = (
       SELECT column3
       FROM table2
       WHERE table2.column1 = table1.column1
         AND table2.column2 = table1.column2)

Your sub query can be completely evaluated regardless of the currently active row in the outer update scan, and so it is. Your query does not depend upon the values in table1 row being updated. The entire sub query is evaluated once, and the value of column3 from the first result row is returned as the value of the sub query expression, and then used to update every row in table1.

In his query, the row from table2 to be selected in the sub query depends upon the value of table1.column1 and table1.column2 in the row being updated. This turns the sub query into a correlated sub query which must be re-evaluated for each row in table 1. Each evaluation returns the value of column3 from a different row in table2, the row where the column2 and column2 values match the row being updated.

Dennis Cote

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