
   I'm working on a project that requires random images to be chosen from a
live database for a dynamic homepage. I found this link from Dr. Hipp that
details a very fast approach to selecting random rows:


   Unfortunately, it heavily weights the distribution of the randomly chosen
rows - to the extreme that the feeling of randomness is almost lost due to the
same images appearing so frequently.

   After some research I concluded that it must be caused by breaks in the
ROWID values. However, after VACUUMing the database to re-order the ROWIDs I
find I am still having the same problem - weighted distribution.

   Is there a way I can modify my query to attain a much more equal
distribution? It doesn't have to be perfect, but right now it is too
noticiably weighted.

   I have posted a stripped down version of the database, and a small snippet
of perl to display the problem here:


   Many thanks to anyone with a moment to share some ideas on how to equalize
this distribution.


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