At 23:25 30/05/2007, you wrote:
>--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> ----- Original Message ----
>> > MemPage bitfield patch below. 
>> > 
>> > sizeof(MemPage) on Linux: 
>> > 
>> >   original: 84
>> >   patched:  76
>> > ...
>> > Break-even for memory is 904/8 = 113 MemPage structs allocated.
>> I didn't look at the code, so mind me :)
>> If the MemPage are malloced individually (instead of being put in arrays), 
>> then they are 16 byte
>> aligned on most platforms, making the allocated block effectively the same 
>> size (well, that
>> depends on how many bytes are used by malloc before the user block in 
>> memory).
>This patch does indeed save memory - on Linux at least.
>Linux has a malloc mimimum resolution of 8 bytes, not 16.

No, for example, under powerpc and linux with altivec enabled in kernel it's 16 
bytes (or use library). I think under other simd capable 
processors it's 16 bytes too.

>> Also, my take on bitfields is that they are not thread/multi processor 
>> friendly (there is no
>> atomic "set bit"), and also compilers typically don't optimize well with 
>> that (so before
>> applying this patch, I would test on other platforms than gcc linux x86).
>Setting and reading individual bytes (u8 in sqlite-speak) are not 
>threadsafe either. Only reading/setting entire entire words 
>are threadsafe on most architectures.

Using a uint32 for store the flags is threadsafe. There are less than 32 
true/false values and read/set is simple. I see no difference doing

if (uint8==0){   // read/test bit
uint8=1;         // set bit
whatever more


if (uint32&&MASK){ // read/test bit
uint32&&=MASK;    // set bit

in speed, and a compiler should not make worse code on last one. So say

>> Also, my take on bitfields is that they are not thread/multi processor 
>> friendly (there is no
>> atomic "set bit"), and also compilers typically don't optimize well with 
>> that (so before
>> applying this patch, I would test on other platforms than gcc linux x86).

is not true.

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