You have explained the problem, which is .NET not Sqlite. You have apparently done a fine job marrying the two but it might be more logical to suggest that .NET be made more flexible.

As for flexibility, programs in C or Assembler are only inflexible at the level of the underlying machine or operating system. They are a tool to use to build an environment.

Initially the typing rules in Sqlite appeared to be a nusisance but on deeper thought their utility became apparent and it was possible to use them to great advantage. To bloat or impair that advantage just to match a particular concept like .NET would be a tragedy.

You might consider developing an SQL engine ideally adapted to .NET.

Robert Simpson wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From: John Stanton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2007 3:56 PM
Subject: Re: [sqlite] Re: CAST

You are looking for a fit to one particular restrictive, proprietary
environment.  Our approach has been to work with the spirit of Sqlite
and to its strengths and to that end we designed out environment
accordingly.  Sqlite's typing has become a major asset, not a

All environments, proprietary or not, are restrictive in one way or another
- including C.  SQLite is flexible and adaptable, and capable of being
wedged into quite a few places -- which is what makes it a great little

For you that means captializing on SQLite's strengths and using its
typelessness as an asset.  For me, it means bringing SQLite to a mass of
.NET folks (Mono and MS) who would otherwise pass it by.  If that means
kludging a type system together to hide SQLite's typelessness, so be it.
I'd rather blunt the edge than throw the whole knife out.


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