> Excuse me for make this question but.... have you 
> normalized your database? Try to design/define it in at least 3NormalForm.

My application's doesn't create any databases itself. It allows users to 
store any data. And users need to be able to store any number of columns in 
1 table (the most I'v heard about is about 10000, but I wouldn't be 
surprised if they had more). Trust me, they need it and they can't do 
anything about it.. 
But the problem isnt't actually caused by many columns in the table. The 
query i posted before doesn't need any table in the database - it was 
created based on the a table but any similar query will crash SQLite. The 
query was created by JDBC driver - I will change driver's code and the 
problem will be solved for now, but it doesn't mean that everything is ok. 
Similar automatically created queries may be created based on anything, for 
example rows of some table - 10000 rows isn't too many, right? And that 
query may cause any application to crash. And possibly there are other 
innocent looking queries that are implemented using recursion that will do 
the same damage (maybe nested selects ?).

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