
I am trying to connect to a SQLite database from inside a C++ program
(written in Visual Studio 6) using ADO without using a DSN.  The
database file is c:\program files\wincaps\trend01.trd.  The library
developed in house to wrap ADO calls contains an Open() method that
accepts a string of the form "DSN=SomeDSNName".  The method prepends
"Provider=MSDASQL;" to that and sends it to an ADO Connection object.  I
tried to pass in "Data Source=c:\Program Files\WinCaps\Trend01.trd" to
it instead.  I got an error complaining that the data source name is too
long.  So I copied the file into my C:\Misc folder and passed in "Data
Source=c:\Misc\Trend01.trd".  The final connection string was
"Provider=MSDASQL;Data Source=c:\misc\trend01.trd".  The Microsoft ODBC
Manager complained that the data source was not found and no default
driver was specified.  

I downloaded and installed the ADO.Net provider, but I did not see
anywhere anything telling me what provider name to use with it.  

I can't use a DSN because the database to be opened must be selected by
the user at run time.

How do I do this?

Thank you very much.

Rob Richardson

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