
In the ADO world, I can have a recordset object that holds data from a
table.  I can call AddNew() to add a record to the table, Update() to
change data in the current record, or Delete() to delete the current
record.  But in the SQLite world, insertions, updates and deletions can
only be done by preparing the appropriate SQL statement and calling
sqlite3_exec() on the database (or sqlite3_prepare()/step()/finalize()).

So, what happens if I need to change a record as I am walking through a
result set?  If I have one sqlite statement that is pointing to a record
and a different sqlite statement deletes that record, will
sqlite3_step() on the first statement have a problem?  What if the
second sqlite statement deletes the record that the next sqlite3_step()
on the first statement would have retrieved on its next call?  What if
the second sqlite statement adds a record?  Will the repeated
sqlite3_step() calls on the first statement eventually get the new
record?  Or do I just need to be careful that I never have two active
sqlite statements referencing the same table?

Rob Richardson

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