Andrew Finkenstadt wrote:

I ended up writing a (multi-thread aware) C++ framework to keep me
out of trouble.  In the SQLite namespace I have

 class exception;
 class database;
 class connection;
 class statement;
 class execution;
 class query_result;

where the ownership model is well-defined, and the data-use paths are
protected from coding mistakes at compile time.  There can be only one
execution attached to a statement at any one time, and the query result is owned by the execution. When the execution terminates (goes out of scope),
the statement is reset automatically.

Since I am a strong believer in "prepare once,
use many" for performance reasons, I ended up having to write my own
framework to keep me out of trouble, and to reduce the amount of "busy work"
around the "C" interface to sqlite.


Is there any chance that your framework is freely licensed open source so others could use it as well?

It sounds interesting, and I would like to take a look at it if that is possible. Is there a link to the source?

Dennis Cote

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