"B V, Phanisekhar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Assume a table
>  create table Title (
>    Titlename BLOB
>  )
>  create unique index TitleIdx ON Title (Titlename)
> For which all queries index "TitleIdx" will be used?
> (1) select Titlename from Title order by Titlename
> (2) select Titlename from Title where id in (...) 
>      order by Titlename
> (3) select Titlename from Title order by Titlename
>       limit 3 offset 10

I believe the answer is (1) and (3).  You can add
the phrase "explain query plan" before each query
and the output will show you which index is used.

D. Richard Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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