Hello Joe,

It is a server platform,Linux SuSE9 enterpraise edition.
4 CPU machine,8GB ram.
We want load all the tables in to mem db of Sqlite.Achieve
read performance of upto 50000records/sec for the table data i had mentioned 

"so it would have to be file based."
I could not get it. Does it mean even increasing the page size there would be
no effect on the performance?


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----- Original Message -----
From: Joe Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, June 26, 2007 11:57 pm
Subject: Re: [sqlite] In Mem Query Performance

> --- RaghavendraK 70574 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Your input is valuable. I will increase the pg size to 4KB and 
> check.
> :memory: databases only use 1024 byte pages if I remember 
> correctly, 
> so it would have to be file based.
> > We just have a set of tables which is to be read on startup.No 
> complex Query is involved.
> > I find Sqlite to be most powerful given the size and complexity 
> it handles.
> > 
> > I use the following apis to create the 
> > 
> > int ret = sqlite3_open(":memory:",&m_sqliteDb1);
> > also use for all temp tables,
> > pragma PRAGMA temp_store = MEMORY
> That looks fine. It ought to be fast. Although "fast" is a 
> relative term.
> Is this an embedded platform or a PC that you're using?
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