On 26.06.2007 00:24 CE(S)T, WHITE, DANIEL wrote:
> The main advantage of mine is that it is lightweight and easy to use
> without using ADO.NET.

Okay, the other SQLite.NET DLL has 592 kB, that's not necessarily
"lightweight". I'd like to be able to include the SQLite library into
the main assembly so that I won't need a separate DLL anymore. I'm not
sure though how good that works with each solution or whether it's a
good idea for other reasons.

But I'm quite happy with it without using ADO.NET. In fact, I don't like
the idea of copying each and every record into memory and having it
sorted and filtered there (which ADO.NET propagates) instead of having
that done directly in the source database engine...

Yves Goergen "LonelyPixel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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