Hello all,

Sorry for the basic question. Sure it must be.

I seem to not be able to correctly generate the SQLite html files. My setup
is the following:

Windows XP
MinGW 3.4.5
ActiveState TCL 8.4.14

I have absolutely 0 knowledge on TCL. I downloaded ActiveState specifically
because of SQLite documentation and was able to generate the HTML files
individually after reading through the (what was to me) confusing
ActiveState documentation.

However, trying to generate the whole documenentation in one go, didn't
work. I tried to follow the advise I found in
http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/wiki?p=BuildOnWindowsWithTcl and just do make
doc. But it complains I don't have TeaPot.

I'm stumped. And I would like to know how can I make this work on my setup.

Mario Figueiredo

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