Andre du Plessis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I would like to know how to create an Autoincrement field and insure
that it is unique across the database, I tested this and it does not
seem to work:

I need this because I need a link table that wont know which table the
id comes from, and I cant add all the fields to make a compound key as
some of the values would then be blank.

I don't understand this last statement. What again prevents you from having a table like this:

create table linkTable (infoId integer, inWhichTable integer, ...);

You can also play arithmetic tricks, like adding a large constant to all IDs that come from temptable2 when storing them in linkTable.

If you insist on having non-repeating IDs through both tables, you can write a set of triggers to achieve that.

Igor Tandetnik

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