On Mon, 2007-07-02 at 18:46 -0500, Ben Combee wrote:
> This one's in shell.c.  In process_input(), zLine is assigned using
>   zLine = one_input_line(zSql, in);
> Usually, you hit the free(zLine) call in one of the code paths before
> repeating the while loop.  However, on line 1614
>     if( (zSql==0 || zSql[0]==0) && _all_whitespace(zLine) ) continue;
> you can continue to the top of the while loop without freeing zLine,
> resulting in a leak when the next line of input is read.
> It also looks like you can lose the memory attached to zLine if you
> hit line 1609's if statement
>       if( in!=0 ) break;
> and break out of the while loop.

I think you're right. I made some minor changes:


See what you think now:




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