In fact, it uses to be N seperate execs and I consolidated it in an
effort to fix the problem.  It seems like under certain circumstances,
my code fails to create a table but does not report it as an error.

// strTmp is filled with other CREATE TABLE commands before this,

strTmp.Format(L"CREATE TABLE %s ("
                     L"%s int,"   // Ticket ID
                     L"%s int,"   // Group ID
                     L"%s int,"   // Field ID
                     L"%s text,"  // Value
                     L"PRIMARY KEY (%s, %s, %s)"

       strSQL += strTmp;

// It is all executed here
       if (!ExecuteSQLStatements(strSQL.GetBuffer(), &sql, NULL, false))
         CEString strMsg;
         strMsg.Format(L"Unable to create database! Error: %d, '%s'",
sql.GetErrorCode(), sql.GetErrorMsg());
         MessageBox(g_hWnd, strMsg.GetBuffer(), L"Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP);
         return false;

// This is ExecuteSQLStatements:
bool KayakoMobile::ExecuteSQLStatements(const wchar_t *pwszSQL,
kce::SQLite *pSQLite,
                                       SQLiteRowHandler *pHandler /*=
NULL*/, bool bContinueOnFail /*= true*/)
 bool r = false;

 if (pSQLite && pSQLite->IsOpen())
   if (pwszSQL && *pwszSQL)
     kce::SQLiteStatement *pStmt = new kce::SQLiteStatement;

     if (!pStmt)
#ifdef DEBUG
       HandleAllocFailure(L"ExecuteSQLStatements", sizeof(SQLiteStatement));
       return false;
       int nCode                 = SQLITE_OK;
       int nRetry                = 0;
       const wchar_t *pLeftOver  = NULL;

       while (SQLITE_OK == nCode || (SQLITE_SCHEMA == nCode &&
((++nRetry) < 2)))
         if (!*pwszSQL)

         nCode = pSQLite->Prepare(pwszSQL, &pStmt, -1, &pLeftOver);

         // Check to see if this prepare succeeded.
         if (SQLITE_OK != nCode)

           if (SQLITE_ERROR != nCode)
             // Could be busy, so we'll retry
             if (pStmt)
             // There was an error parsing this statement; let's skip
to the next one.
#ifdef DEBUG_DB
             kce::odsf(L"ExecuteSQLStatements() : SQLite::Prepare()
Failed! Err = {#%d, '%s'} SQL: '%s'\n", nCode,
                       pSQLite->GetErrorMsg(), pwszSQL);
#endif // !DEBUG_DB
             const wchar_t *pwszToken = wcsstr(pwszSQL, L";");

             if (pwszToken && *pwszToken + 1)
               // We want to print the statement that failed for observation
               kce::CEString strFailed;
               size_t nSizeFailed = (pwszToken - pwszSQL);
               wchar_t *pwszBuf   =
strFailed.GetMutableBuffer(nSizeFailed + 1);

#ifdef DEBUG_DB
               if (pwszBuf)
                 wcsncpy(pwszBuf, pwszSQL, nSizeFailed);
                 odsf(L"%s\n", pwszBuf);
               if (!bContinueOnFail)
                 r = false;


               pwszSQL = pwszToken + 1;
               nCode   = SQLITE_OK;
               // No more statements; bail.

         if (!pStmt)
           // This happens for a comment or whitespace
           pwszSQL = pLeftOver;

         // Now step to execute each statement
         bool bFailed = false;
         int nCode    = SQLITE_ERROR;

         while (pStmt->Step(bFailed, &nCode))
           if (pHandler)

         r = !bFailed;

         if (r)
           nCode   = SQLITE_OK;
           nRetry  = 0;
           pwszSQL = pLeftOver;

           while (iswspace(pwszSQL[0]))

#ifdef DEBUG_DB
         if (bFailed)
           kce::odsf(L"ExecuteSQLStatements() :
SQLiteStatement::Step() Failed! Err {#%d, '%s'}\n", nCode,

       delete pStmt;

 return r;

On 7/6/07, Teg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello Ryan,

Why not make N distinct Execs to create the tables and see if it works?
Seems like simplification is the way to trouble-shoot this.

Friday, July 6, 2007, 7:08:09 PM, you wrote:

RML> James,

RML> Nope.  And actually, it's always a different table that fails to get
RML> created.  I know that (usually) all the tables get created
RML> successfully.  It seems plausible that it's a low-memory condition
RML> that causes it, seeing as this code is running on PDAs with very very
RML> little memory.

RML> I will post my code here if necessary.

RML> On 7/6/07, James Dennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > -----Original Message-----
>> > From: Ryan M. Lederman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> > Sent: Friday, July 06, 2007 3:34 PM
>> > To:
>> > Subject: [sqlite] CREATE TABLE
>> >
>> > I'm using sqlite3, built with Microsoft's CL compiler, 8.0 on a
>> > Windows Mobile platform.
>> >
>> > I have a problem wherein I issue several CREATE TABLE commands
>> > concatenated together, semi-colon delimited.  It appears, from the
>> > feedback from my customers, that one or more table(s) fail to get
>> > created, but the database engine reports no failures when executing
>> > the CREATE TABLE statement.  I know this because later queries will
>> > fail with messages such as "no such table: foo"
>> >
>> > Has anyone ever seen this before?  Am I doing something wrong, or is
>> > this a known bug?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
>> Without seeing your code, it's hard to say, but it seems plausible that
>> you didn't actually execute all of the statements.  Is only the first
>> table getting created?
>> -- James
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Best regards,
 Teg                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Ryan M. Lederman

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