Hey all --

In the application I am working on (Songbird), we have a simple two
table schema representing the tracks in your music collection and the
properties on those tracks.  The keys used are all UUIDs (128 bit
number) which we are currently storing in hex string form in a text
column, so they literally appear in the database as
"ee89b823-e709-40c5-bed7-dcb0b2b791a8".  We do lots of lookups and
joins on these keys.

I was wondering if there is much to be gained by storing these 128 bit
values in binary rather than as strings.  We estimate roughly 20
properties per track, so in a moderate sized database you'd have 10k
rows in the tracks table and 200k rows in the properties table.  We
construct a lot of queries that involve joining the properties table
to the tracks table multiple times.

Since the integer type is limited to 64 bits, we would have to be
creative when storing 128 bit values.  Some possibilities:

- Use a pair of integer columns
- Continue to use a text column and shove binary data into it and hope
for the best
- Use a blob column, but I wonder how efficient indexes and joins are
on this column type?
- Create another table in the schema that maps integers to UUIDs, and
use these integers in the rest of the schema rather than the UUIDs.
This would add an additional join every time we want to do a query
based on UUID.

Is it worth the trouble to make a change here?

The full schema can be found here:

The tracks table is called "media_items" and the properties table is
called "resource_properties".


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