Last night I upgraded from SQLite 3.3.6 to SQLite 3.4.0. This morning a transaction in my application failed because SQLite detected that the application was trying to insert a row with a NULL in a REAL NOT NULL column. Actually, it turns out that it was a NaN, which SQLite 3.4.0 apparently converts to NULL.

I don't necessarily mind this change, although I would consider NaN and NULL to be different (although they have similar semantics). In fact, I'm rather glad that SQLite failed in this case, otherwise it surely would have been much longer until I noticed a problem in my application. However, I have existing databases that have NaN values in some fields. I noticed that when I dump tables containing NaN using the SQLite 3.4.0 shell, the value is now represented as (NaN) rather than the previous (0.0) which was clearly incorrect. However, the problem now is that a table can't be dumped and restored using the SQLite shell because (NaN) is neither a column nor a special value (such as NULL). For example:

sqlite> .dump foo

sqlite> INSERT INTO "foo" VALUES(NaN);
SQL error: no such column: NaN

This is not necessarily a problem for me, but it's something I noticed through some experimentation that may have been an unexpected consequence of the NaN fix. I've also noticed that I can perform an INSERT-SELECT statement using rows that contain NaN, and the NOT NULL constraint is not enforced then, although it is with UPDATE operations when the result would be NaN.


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