Alberto Simões <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I have this simple schema for news:
sqlite> .schema
CREATE TABLE news (year,month,day,title,text);
CREATE INDEX date ON news(year,month,day);

And this query results not as expected...

sqlite> SELECT * FROM news ORDER BY year DESC,month DESC,day DESC;
2007|7|7|Novo design|...
2007|6|19|10.000 palavras|...
2007|7|15|Actualização das regras de transcrição|...

My guess would be, some of the values are stored as integers and others as text strings. What does the following query return:

select typeof(year), typeof(month), typeof(day)
from news;

If you find from this query that not all fields are stored as integer, then you need to do two things. First, fix your existing data like this:

update news set
   year=CAST(year as integer),
   month=CAST(month as integer),
   day=CAST(day as integer);

Second, examine the code that inserts new records to figure out how strings made their way into the table in the first place.

For more details, see

Igor Tandetnik

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