On 7/19/07, Alberto Simões <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have a file (big file with 16 000 000 lines) with records like

2 3 4
4 3 2
5 4 387
5 8 5473

and I want to import this to an SQLite table.
Although I can replace all this to INSERT commands very easily, I
would like to ask first if there is any faster method.

Try the .import command. That does the job very fast.

Puneet Kishor http://punkish.eidesis.org/
Nelson Inst. for Env. Studies, UW-Madison http://www.nelson.wisc.edu/
Open Source Geospatial Foundation http://www.osgeo.org/education/
S&T Policy Fellow, National Academy of Sciences http://www.nas.edu/
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