--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Joe Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I noticed delays of an hour or so in posts hitting the mailing list 
> > recently.
> > Or is it just my mail server?
> > 
> The server (www.sqlite.org) seems to be doing OK.
> Load average is 0.13.  Nothing unusual in the logs.
> There are currently 1281 people on the mailing list.  The
> mailing list manager (ezmlm) will send messages to at most
> 20 people at at time.  If each send requires 20 seconds,
> that means about 1200 seconds to relay a message, or about
> 20 minutes.
> Might be your mail server.  Spam loads continue to increase.
> My spam/email ratio is approaching 30:1.  In other words, I
> get about 30 spams for each legitimate email now.

The last post to the list wasn't echoed for 3 hours, as confirmed
by various sqlite mailing list archives. Last week it would take 
less than 15 minutes. Email to/from my email server otherwise appears 
to work immediately.

Roger's post about email being deliberately delayed may be applicable:


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