I have cross-compiled the sqlite library for use on Linux running on MIPS by
basically doing the following (which I gleaned from the documentation and
other posts on this mailing list):
1) Running 'configure' for the host.
2) Running 'make target_source' to create the sub-directory 'tsrc'.
3) Removing 'shell.c', 'tclsqlite.c', 'icu.c' and 'fts*'.
4) Compiling using the following makefile:

 for i in *.c; do $(GCC) -c $$i; done
 $(AR) r libsqlite3.a *.o
 $(STRIP) libsqlite3.a --strip-all 
 $(GCC) -o libsqlite3.so -shared -static *.c
 $(STRIP) libsqlite3.so --strip-all 

# end of file
This appears to run fine and creates a static and shared library. However
the problem I have is that if I run the makefile for my own application I
get 'undefined reference' errors if I link to the static library e.g
'undefined reference to sqlite3_open'. If I link to the shared library then
my makefile runs without errors and my application uses sqlite as intended.
I am new to Linux so forgive me if there's something obvious I am missing. I
know that the 'for' loop in the makefile above has an extra '$' compared to
the examples I have seen but this seemed to be the only way to get it to
reference the source files correctly.
Can anyone offer any suggestions as I would like to use the static library?

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